







■■ =====(2013/04/23追記ここまで)


●How many Stick-N-find stickers can 1 Smartphone find?
We recommend using no more than 20 stickers at the same time.

●Can multiple phones connect to a Stick-N-Find?
You can pair the stickers to many phones, and even see all the stickers in range on the Radar screen from many phones at the same time, but only one phone can make connect to a sticker. (make it Buzz, or create the Virtual Leash at a time)
しかし、ブザーを鳴らしたりバーチャルリースを使えるのは一台だけです。)←ん? これ、他人のStick-N-Findも見えちゃうのかな??

How good is the Glue on the Stick-N-find? Will it adhere to any surface?
(接着剤は使えますか? どこにでも貼り付けることが出来ますか?)
We use 3M VHB adhesive. It adheres to most surfaces and creates a virtual weld. It achieves full strength bonding in about 1 hour after Sticking it.
3M VHB will adhere to:Glass • Painted surfaces • Metal • Painted/sealed wood & concrete • Outdoor & harsh environmental applications • Plastics • Leather and more!

Is it easy to remove the stickers once the adhesive cures?
It is not easy nor hard. You will need a little strength, and they will come out. You can then peal easily any resedue left.
(簡単とも難しいとも言えません。少し力を入れると取れます。そうすれば残りカスなく簡単に取れます)←なんのこっちゃよく分からない上に、これは接着の説明であって本体の説明ではないですね。。。しかも、「 resedue」は「residue」の綴りミスでは?

What Smartphones does the Stick-N-Find work with?
Stick-N-Find works iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, New Ipad, iPad mini, New iPod touch. It also works on Android devices supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, running Android 4.0 and newer. We have tested it on the Samsung Galaxy S3, and Note 2, and it works great! (Since the support for Bluetooth 4.0 on the Samsung S3 is bad, we wrote the Buetooth drivers on our own)
(iPhone4S、iPhone5、新しいiPad、iPad mini、新しいiPod touch。 Android4.0より新しいOSが動き省電力BluetoothをサポートしているAndroidデバイス。 Samsung Galaxy S3とNote2でテストを行っており、問題なく動作しています。Samsung S3のBluetooth4.0サポートがひどかったので、ドライバーを自分たちでつくっちゃったヨ)←新しいiPadは第3世代かな。新しいiPod touchはiPhone5と同じ画面サイズになったもの以降と予想。

Do I need a separate adapter or special case for my phone?
Nothing special is required. Stick-N-Find will communicate directly with your Smartphone via Bluetooth Low Energy.
(不要です。Stick-N-FindはBluetooth Low Energyでスマートフォンと直接通信します)

What is the range of Stick-N-Find?
Approximate 100 feet or about 30 Meters.

How long will the battery last and are they replaceable?
(バッテリーはどのくらい持ちますか? 交換可能ですか?)
The replaceable battery inside Stick-N-Find will last about 1 year.

Do I need to remove the Stick-N-Find to replace the battery?

How do I replace the battery?
The top of the Stick-N-Find twists off just like bottle top. It is then a simple matter of removing the old battery and replacing it with a new one.

What kind of battery does the Stick-N-Find use?
The Stick-N-Find uses a commonly found CR2016 watch battery.

Will the Stick-N-Find app, show me the direction to my lost object?
Because we don't really know direction, the radar Screen can only be used to approximate the distance of the Stick-N-Find to your phone, but not direction. So once item you are looking for is one your Radar Screen you start walking in a specific direction, and see if it gets closer or farther.

How do you attach a Stick-N-Find to your key ring?
Each Stick-N-Find comes with a key ring mounting plate. Stick the Stick-N-Find to the Ring mounting plate and then thread it on your key ring.

Are the Stick-N-Find stickers waterproof?
No, they are not waterproof. Each Sticker has opening holes for the Buzzer sound to come out. Please protect the stickers from water.

How do you pair Stick-N-Find Stickers with your phone?
Pairing will be done from within the StickNFind app. No need to go to the Settings or Bluetooth menu on your phone. From within the StickNFind app, you will be able to pair with Stickers that are only very close to the Phone. (About 1 feet or less). This will ensure you only pair with your stickers, and not your neighbors...
Only Stickers that have been paired, will be visible on the StickNFind app.

